Prototype of a randomly generated maze by tiles which are destroyed when you are not near, so when you come back to an area, that would be different, so when you are blocked on an area, you can return to where you were before and return to generate a new area, then you can continue.

This can be seen on the start cell that is empty at the beginning, but if you come back to that tile there will be a different tile.  Also, I have added a mini map.

I also added a new mechanic, a random yellow tile spawns on the map and you need to get there, to know the direction the square turns yellow slowly when you are near, and white when you are far, there is a number too.


 I have added biomes to the game, generated by Perlin Noise, every time you start a game the seed changes, there are 9 different biomes to explore, with 3D models.

There are snowy forest, taiga, forest, jungle, mines, mountain, sabana, desert, dungeon and fired dungeon.

How it works

I have created 8 colliders around the player, so when they are not colliding with any maze tile, it gets the integer position of the player and adjusts the coordinates to the place where were not a tile, and a collider surrounding them very near, so if you can continue by a way, you can get back and come again and it would be a different maze tile combination. 

The biomes are generated similarly, but using Perlin Noise,  similar biomes have more chance to spawn near each other instead of a very different one.


Build_4.rar 13 MB
Maze_Build_7.apk 23 MB

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